Mighty Minis - Batman Unlimited Series 4: Killer Croc

This is the second figure I picked up from Poundland: Killer Croc!!! Killer Croc is probably on every Batman fan favourite characters list, so I'm not going to even mention it. Putting the background story aside, Killer Croc is an endless opportunity to imagine awesome design combining a crocodile with a man this version is not exception. 

Following on the design for Killer Croc from the Unlimited animated series, this figure has a whole new and previously unseen sculpt since no parts from other figures could be used.  

There are two things to highlight about this one though; in the first place, the design follows the TV design very loosely to say the less. The head sits on the shoulders rather than in a lower position like in the cartoon, it doesn't have the metallic jaw or the shorts, which is not bad because there is a version on the show without them as well, and finally, and probably because it was unpractical, the tail is much shorter.

The second aspect that is worth mentioning is the sculpt being quite good, there is a lot of detail, which is left down by a very lazy painting work, non-existent even since only the eyes have been highlighted in red. All the detail of Killer Croc's teeth, scales, nails, etc are very hard to appreciate since all they are green. With a more of an effort, this could be one of the more attractive figures of the whole line. As with the other Mighty Minis, this one is made of 5 pieces plus in its case the additional 1 of the tail, which gives it an extra element of articulation.

The 360°:

Height: 2".
Manufacturer: Mattel.
Material: Plastic.
Date of Release: 2016.

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You can find my other Mighty Minis here.
You can find my other Batman Unlimited Series figures here.


Collecting big on a small budget!!!

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